It is a phrase or sentence which is hard to speak fast, usually because of alliteration or a sequence of nearly similar sounds. It helps develop speech skills & helps in speech therapy.
To get the full effect of a tongue twister you should ask your student try to repeat it several times, as quickly as possible, without stumbling or mispronouncing.
very difficult to say tongue twisters in English so don't worry if your student
can't do it very well at first, just have fun!
Here are some cool English Tongue Twisters, have fun!
A good cook could cook
as much cookies as a good cook who could cook cookies.
I thought, I thought of
thinking of thanking you.
A tricky
frisky snake with sixty super scaly stripes.
I wish to wish the
wish you wish to wish,
but if you wish the
wish the witch wishes,
I won't wish the wish
you wish to wish.
Black bug bit a big
black bear. But where is
the big black bear that the big black bug bit?

Red Bulb Blue Bulb Red Bulb
Blue Bulb.
If a sledering snail
went down a slippery slide
would a snail sleder or slide down the slide.
I saw a saw that could
out saw any other saw
I ever saw.
I ever saw.